My story

I grew up in Mankato, a medium-sized town in southern Minnesota, to Vietnam War refugee parents who operated an Asian restaurant and grocery story.

Soon after graduating from Saint John’s University (Minn.) in 1998—-inspired by my history and Asian studies professor, Dr. Richard Bohr—-I taught English in China for two years while learning enough Mandarin to pursue my Asian studies masters degree at the University of Hawaii in 2003.

After not being able to find an ideal international career, I worked at our family commerial sewing business in Fort Myers, Florida, where my parents re-located to, before eventually moving back to the Twin Cities in 2012.

I started my supply chain and trade compliance career by working for a start-up importer in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where I gained experience in international logistics and global trade compliance.

By 2018, as a digital nomad, I moved to Thailand and Vietnam where I worked on my e-commerce businesses.

In 2019, I was hired in Ho Chi Minh City as the Vietnam sourcing manager putting me on the front lines of Vietnam’s hot manufacturing industry for the next four years before I moved back to the US in 2023.

What to expect

Learn through my self-development, supply chain, and entreprenuerial journey, celebrating the ups and downs along the way, by visiting my YouTube and podcast.



About Vinh Ho

Self-development & Entreprenuership

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